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The Hogsback by Lynn Griffin

The Hogsback Heritage Writing Project


Boulder Schools. A history of the schools in Boulder including facilities, teachers and students. Includes many great pictures. 2008 Hogsback Heritage Project $15.00 - [see the cover here]

Homesteads, Ranches, Home. A look at the land ownership in Boulder from the first homesteads to the 2009 residents. Includes new and old pictures of properties as well as stories of the places. 2009 Hogsback Heritage Project $30.00 - [see the cover here]

The Women. A collection of stories of Boulder women both past and present written in essay, poetry, interview and song form. $20.00 - [see the cover here]

Boulder Recipe Book. A collection of recipes provided by Boulder residents. It also includes the beautiful artwork of Scotty Mitchell on the cover and dividers. $15.00 - [see the cover here]

Artifacts. This book includes writings, photos and artwork about the artifacts of our first native residents along with peronal artifacts and tools of the early ranchers and current residents. 2011 Hogsback Heritage Project. $15.00 - [see the cover here]

Let's Drive. This is a travel guide in and around the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument through stories collected by lifetime resident Ann King Reynolds. $20.00 - [see the cover here]

Other historical publications currently available:

The Story of Alma and Gertrude. This is the history of Alma and Gertrude Wilson compiled by their daughters, Irene and Vesta, from journals, letters, and memory. $20.00


Make checks payable to: The Boulder Heritage Foundation

Mail checks to: P.O. Box 1448, 84716 Boulder, Utah

Please add $5.00 for Shipping!

The Cows
lynn griffen hogs back bone